Category: Teaching Material

  • Activities for Teaching the Future Progressive (PART I)

    FUTURE CHANCE Write several future times on small slips of paper and put them in a hat. Have students draw a time from the hat and then tell what they will be doing at that time. DAILY HABITS Have your students write down what they do throughout a typical day and the times that they…

  • Simple British Slang Phrases YOU SHOULD START USING ^_^ – PART IV

    Moggy: Cat. Clanger: A mistake. Cock up: Make a mess of something. “He really cocked up his job interview when he mentioned that he’d shagged the boss’s daughter.” Gammy: Injured, lame, or painful. “My gran’s had a gammy leg ever since she fell off a horse.” Pants: Rubbish. “She said the film was pants, but I rather liked…

  • Simple British Slang Phrases YOU SHOULD START USING ^_^ – PART III

    Rubbish: Terrible, crap. “I’m totally rubbish at math—can’t even add.” Sad arse: Pathetic person. Sausage fest: An event that has a disproportionate amount of males to females… like a comic convention. Shag: Have sex. Shattered: Worn out, exhausted. Shufflebutt: A restless, fidgety person. Giddy kipper: An overly excitable person. Ginger: A red-haired person. Gobby: Offensively outspoken.…

  • Funny English Idioms You May Not Know ^_^

      English has many IDIOMS, which sometimes is inspirational, but sometimes is FUNNY. Then, here are some of examples you might not know 🙂 1. Do a Devon Loch 2. Bob’s your uncle 3. Do a runner 4. Enough to cobble dogs with 5. Fall off the back of a lorry 6. Hairy at the…

  • Activities for Teaching the Future Perfect (PART II)

    THE (IM) PERFECT DATE What would your student 1 have to do to be ready for a date with the man of her dream? Brainstorm will of the things she would need to do to be ready for her date at 7 p.m., the following evening, and arrange those tasks in a timeline. How much…

  • Activities for Teaching the Future Perfect (PART I)

    FIVE YEAR PLAN Have your students heard the expression “5 Year Plan”? Give them a chance to create a plain of their own. Once their plans are finished, students share with the class what they will have done before those 5 years are complete, using the future perfect BY THE TIME “By the time’ is…

  • KNOW A WORD: Things Students Need To Know AND How a Teacher Help Them (PART II)

    THE CONNOTATIONS OF THE WORD Is the item used with any other meaning? Give learners examples of any positive or negative connotations or associations the word might have THE SITUATIONS WHEN THE WORD IS OR ISN’T USED Is this word formal or informal or neutral? Does it sound old-fashioned or new? Is it used more…

  • KNOW A WORD: Things Students Need To Know AND How a Teacher Help Them (PART I)

    THE MEANING Encourage students to guess the meaning from the context Provide dictionaries or ask them to translate the word if appropriate Ask concept-checking questions THE FORM Is it regular or irregular? Transitive or intransitive? Is it a verb/noun/adjective or adverb? Encourage students to record this information. THE PRONUNCIATION Ask students to repeat the word,…

  • Simple British Slang Phrases YOU SHOULD START USING ^_^ – PART II

    Collywobbles: Nervousness; butterflies in the stomach. Crease up: To laugh heartily (so one’s face creases up). Crumpet: A sexually desirable person. Ear-bashing: A severe reprimand. “He got a right ear-bashing after crashing his dad’s car into that buffalo.” Fall arse over tit: Take a tumble/head over heels. Legless: So drunk, one has difficulty standing. Liquid lunch:…

  • Simple British Slang Phrases YOU SHOULD START USING ^_^ – PART I

    Taking the piss: Making fun of something. Tosh: Rubbish/nonsense. Tosser: A contemptible idiot. Twee: Overly dainty, delicate, cute, or quaint. “Her bunny-themed tea set is so utterly twee.” Wazzock: Imbecile. Wonky: Unstable. “The table leg’s a bit wonky; you might want to slide a book under it.” Dodgy: Suspicious, dubious. “I ate a dodgy curry last night and now…