Category: Teaching Material

  • Activities for Conversation Class (PART I)

    Tag Team Role Play The classic role play is one of the best activities for your conversation students. For a twist, have 2 students work as team in 1 conversation. If S1 gets stuck for ideas or just doesn’t know what to say, he tags S2 in to take over the dialogue. Role Play Change…

  • IDEAS for Teaching ESL and EFL

    IDIOM OF THE WEEK Once a week focus on one or more high frequency idioms from your lesson. Explain it and have students use it in conversation and writing. IN CLASS WRITING Have students occasionally spend the class session writing to a composition topic. This provides practice in writing under timed circumstances and without assistance.…

  • Activities for Teaching the Simple Future (PART I)

    Dreams of Someday Whether your students are planners or prefer to fly by the seat of their pants, writing a 5 year plan can be beneficial in many ways. Explain the concept & give them time to think about where they will be in 5 years & how they will get there. Finally, have your…

  • Activities for Teaching the Simple Future (PART II)

    1. A Camping Trip Have your students even been camping? Have group 4-5 brainstorm what they will need to prepare for a camping trip. Then have students discuss what role they will play in preparation for the trip using the simple future. For instance: one person might say : “ I will collect the fire…

  • Activities for Teaching the Simple Past (PART I)

    Charade Series In an activity similar to charades. Students describe the steps in a process after their classmate acts it out. Have one student pantomime an activity (brushing his teeth, writing letter, etc).  Once the charade is over. Students describe each step in the process using the simple past. Dear Diary Writing about their day…

  • Activities for Teaching the Simple Past (PART II)

    1.Double Duty Review How much do your students remember from class yesterday? Find out by asking them to tell you what you did in class yesterday using the simple past. If the majority of your class travelled overseas to study English, have them share what they did before they came to the U.S 2. Good…

  • Activities for Teaching the Simple Present (PART I)

    Daily Routines Ask student to talk with one another about their daily routines. What do they do in the morning? Evening? Have them write out a schedule for the day to collect their ideas before talking about them with a classmate. Cultural Norms Give your students a chance to share some of their culture as…

  • Activities for Teaching the Simple Present (PART II)

    1.Where Am I? Students picture a place that they would like to visit, and write 5 sensory statements as if they were at that place. Then, students guess where their classmate is. Questions: Are you _____? Review the different uses of at/on/in when used to describe location 2. Present Simple BINGO Mingle Brainstorm a list…